Why Recruitment Companies will be using Serviced Offices in 2021.

The Hong Kong recruitment sector had been under pressure since the beginning of the Sino-Us trade war back in 2018. Moreover, the social unrest and the now COVID-19 crisis forced businesses to crouch in their knees, without exceptions. Some companies must keep their own traditional office (for regulation purposes, for example) while others, such as boutique agencies, can get more flexibility by moving to a serviced office.

Why a serviced office?

There is not any such thing as a generic office space that fits for all purposes. Every industry has its requirement (privacy, ample open space, manage room, meeting room, server room), and each serviced office can cater to some of these requirements, if not all. Recruitment agencies’ main requirement is to have the flexibility to expand or downsize whenever is needed, have a spacious office, phone booth, and (a lot of) meeting room credits if not a built-in meeting room within their office.


Nowadays, most Hong Kong serviced offices can adapt and structure a lease that fits the recruitment firm’s requirements.

Private office with built-in meeting room
A private office with a built-in manager room/meeting room located in Central
When gathering our clients’ requirements, most of them mention they want spacious office spaces. In 2016, serviced offices offered cramped and tiny rooms with 1.1m long desks and budget office chairs. This is a thing of the past. Some operators provide now spacious rooms with adaptable desk size, dedicated phone lines, and partitions between each table to lower the noise and improve the office’s privacy. Besides, phone booths are also available for free in most of the centers.
Phone booth in a coworking space
Phone booths are available for free in most of the serviced office
Unlike a traditional office, serviced office providers can structure flexible contracts with their tenants. From 3 months to 2 years lease, companies have the choice to choose flexibility without commitment. Companies can also grow or downsize and ask the serviced office provider to give them another room that fits their needs.
Meeting room access
One of the essential items for a recruitment firm to consider is having access to meeting rooms whenever they meet a new client or candidate. Within the past three months, we represented four different recruitment firms, and we were able to structure lease where they get up to 60h of meeting room credits/month included in their package. Tenants can also use common areas to hold their meetings for free.
The reception is an essential addition to the service package as the reception staff is an extension of your team. Having a competent welcoming team creates a very positive first impression for candidates and visitors and provides secretarial services.
The reception in Spaces - Sheung Wan
The reception in Spaces - Sheung Wan
If you are willing to explore using a serviced office instead of renewing your lease within your current location, you can get in touch with us today to discuss your requirement further. We know which service office can fit your need, so we save you time and effort for your research. We also arrange visits and negotiate on your behalf. This service is free of charge for our clients.
Bastien Cuny

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